[1] 郑晓琼,朱国平,陈新军,李刚.东海鲐鱼资源时空分布及其与海水表温的关系.大连水产学院学报.(CSCD核心,in review)
[2] 朱国平,许柳雄 ,周应祺.印度洋中西部大眼金枪鱼(T. obesus)的繁殖特性.海洋与湖沼.(CSCD核心,已收录)
[3] 陈锦淘,朱国平,张恩迪,许柳雄,彭燕燕.大西洋中部大眼金枪鱼的生物学特性研究.大连水产学院学报.(CSCD,已收录)
[4] 许柳雄,岳冬梅,朱国平.美国渔业观察员制度浅析.安徽农业科学.(CSCD,已收录)
[5] 朱国平,许柳雄,戴小杰.东南太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓大眼金枪鱼钓获率与水温结构因子的关系.海洋环境科学.(CSCD核心,已收录)
[6] 王家樵,朱国平,许柳雄.基于HSI 模型的印度洋大眼金枪鱼栖息地研究.海洋与环境科学.(CSCD核心,已收录)
[7] 王学昉,许柳雄,朱国平.鲣鱼生物学研究进展.生物学杂志.(CSCD,已收录)2009:
[8] Guoping Zhu, Liuxiong Xu, Yingqi Zhou, & Xinjun Chen.Age, growth and mortality of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus (Perciformes: Thunnidae) in the central Atlantic Ocean.Revista de Biologia Tropical, 2009, 51(1-2) (SCI, in press)
[9] 许柳雄,王学昉,朱国平,叶旭昌,王春雷.中西太平洋金枪鱼围网流木鱼群中的鲣鱼生物学特性研究.生态学杂志,2009,28(2):293-299.(CSCD核心,已收录)
[10] 张衡,朱国平,陆健健.长江河口湿地鱼类的种类组成及多样性分析.生物多样性.(CSCD核心,已收录)2008:
[11] Guoping ZHU, Liuxiong XU, Yingqi ZHOU and Xiaojie DAI.Length-weight relationships for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and albacore (Thunnus alalunga) (Perciformes: Scombrinae) in the Atlantic, Indian and Eastern Pacific Oceans. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 2008, 38 (2): 157-161. (SCI-E, DOI: 10.3750/AIP2008.38.2.12)
[12] 许柳雄,岳冬梅,朱国平.中国金枪鱼渔业科学观察员制度探索性研究.中国软科学,2008(增刊)(CSSCI核心,CSCD核心,已收录)
[13] 朱国平,邹晓荣,许柳雄,朱江峰.旱季几内亚比绍海域浮游动物的种类组成及其多样性.海洋水产研究.(CSCD,已收录)
[14] 朱国平,周应祺,许柳雄.印度洋金枪鱼渔业平均营养级的长期变动.大连水产学院学报,2008,23(6):484-488.(CSCD核心)
[15] 朱国平,许柳雄,周应祺,宋利明.印度洋中西部水域黄鳍金枪鱼的食物组成及食性.水产学报,2008,32(5):787-795.(CSCD核心)
[16] 朱国平,邹晓荣,朱江峰,许柳雄.几内亚比绍海域渔获物种类组成及其多样性.上海海洋大学学报,2008,17(3):464-470.(CSCD)
[17] 王春雷,许柳雄 ,叶旭昌,朱国平.中西太平洋金枪鱼围网起水鱼群与流木鱼群渔获物中鲣鱼生物学特性比较.大连水产学院学报,2008,28(3):235-241.(CSCD)
[18] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, ZHOU Yingqi, SONG Liming.Reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the west-central Indian Ocean.Journal of Ocean University of China,2008,7(3):327-332.(CSCD核心)
[19] 刘绯,朱国平.太平洋岛国金枪鱼渔业贸易协定浅析.中国渔业经济,2008,26(1):69-74.
[20] 许柳雄,朱国平,宋利明.印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼的食性.水产学报,2008,32(3):387-394.(CSCD核心)
[21] 朱国平,许柳雄.热带大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔场分布及其与表温之间的关系.海洋渔业,2008,30(1):8-12.2007:
[22] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, WANG Jiaqiao, et al.An application of Geographic Information Systems and dynamic cluster analysis to spatial data on the tuna purse seine fishery in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.In:Nishida T,Kailola P J and Caton A E (eds) The Third Symposium on GIS/Spatial analysis in fishery and aquatic sciences (Volume 3).Fishery-Aquatic GIS Research Group,Kavagoe,Saitama,Japan.August 2007.399-414.
[23] 朱国平,许柳雄,周应祺,等.印度洋大眼金枪鱼资源生物学.海洋湖沼通报,2007,3:104-112.(CSCD)
[24] 朱国平,许柳雄,曹珠.大西洋金枪鱼渔业开发概况及中国远洋金枪鱼船队的利用前景.海洋开发与管理,2007,24(4):12-17.(中文核心)
[25] 朱国平,许柳雄.东太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓大眼金枪鱼钓获率与海水表温之间的关系.海洋环境科学,2007,26(4):333-336.(CSCD核心)
[26] 朱国平,许柳雄,周应祺,等.印度洋中西部和大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼摄食生态的比较研究.生态学报,2007,27(1):135-141.(CSCD核心)
[27] 朱国平,周应祺,许柳雄,等.大西洋西部大眼金枪鱼摄食生态的初步研究.水产学报,2007,31(1):23-30.(CSCD核心)2006:
[28] 朱国平,朱清澄,许巍,等.北太平洋秋刀鱼渔场形成与水温因子之间关系的初步研究.海洋科学,2006,30(7):91-95.(CSCD核心)
[29] 朱国平,许柳雄.印度洋中西部大眼金枪鱼繁殖生物学的初步研究.水产科学,2006,25(7):364-366.(CSCD)
[30] 朱国平,许柳雄,陈新军.印度洋中西部黄鳍金枪鱼生物学特性的初步研究.海洋渔业,2006,28(1):25-29.
[31] 朱国平,周应祺.从屡遭限制看中国台湾远洋金枪鱼渔业的发展.中国渔业经济,2006,1:49-52.
[32] 朱国平,许柳雄.印度洋金枪鱼渔业概况及中国金枪鱼船队管理对策分析.中国渔业经济,2006,2:10-12.
[33] XU Liuxiong,ZHU Guoping.Preliminary analysis on biological features of Thunnus albaeares, based on observer’s data available from the 2004-2005 survey in the west-central Indian Ocean.Journal of Fisheries of China,2006,30(2):211-218.(CSCD核心)
[34] 刘一淳,朱国平,戴小杰.东太平洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)年龄与生长的初步研究.海洋渔业,2006,28(2):124-128.
[35] 姜文新,许柳雄,朱国平,等.大西洋金枪鱼延绳钓主要渔获物生物学特性的初步分析.上海海洋大学学报,2006,15(4):503-508.(CSCD)
[36] 朱清澄,花传祥,朱国平,等.西北太平洋公海7~9月秋刀鱼渔场分布及其与水温的关系.海洋渔业,2006,28(3):228-233.(第四作者)
[37] 王家樵,许柳雄,朱国平,等.利用GIS分析中西太平洋金枪鱼围网渔场的时空变动.海洋渔业,2005,27(4):292-297.
[38] 许巍,朱清澄,朱国平,等.西北太平洋公海秋刀鱼舷提网捕捞技术.齐鲁渔业,2005,22(10):43-45.(第五作者)
[39] 朱国平,许柳雄,傅文栋.大西洋主要金枪鱼资源利用状况及发展前景.齐鲁渔业,2004,21(7):37-39.
[40] 朱国平.标志放流技术的发展及其在金枪鱼渔业上的应用.海洋渔业,2002,24(增刊):58-61.
Ⅱ 参加国内外学术会议情况
[1] ZHU Guoping (2008) International tuna fishery scientific observer program and the contribution of China's effort. The 5th workshop between Shanghai Ocean University and Hokkaido University “Marine life and environmental sciences for sustainable safe eafood production”. Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China. December 2, 2008.
[2] XU Liu-xiong, YUE Dong-mei and ZHU Guo-ping (2008) Approach on China Tuna Fishery Scientific Observer Program. 5th International Symposium on Soft Science “Reform & Opening-up and National Development Strategy: Research on Decision-making and Soft Science”. Beijing, China. 4-5 November 2008.
[3] ZHU Guo-ping, XU Liu-xiong, WANG Xue-fang, YE Xu-chang, WANG Chun-lei ( 2008) Growth, reproduction and diet of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) (Perciformes: Scombridae) caught by purse seiner in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean: Comparative analysis between associated school and unassociated school. PICES 17th Annual Meeting. Dalian, China. 22 October to 4 November 2008.
[4] ZHU Guo-ping, XU Liu-xiong, Dai Xiao-jie, ZHOU Ying-qi, LIU Wei ( 2008) Comparative study on feeding habits of bigeye T. obesus and yellowfin tuna T. albacares in the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean. PICES 17th Annual Meeting. Dalian, China. 22 October to 4 November 2008.
[5] Guoping Zhu, Yingqi Zhou, Liuxiong Xu, Xiaojie Dai ( 2008) Growth and mortality of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus (Scombridae) in the eastern and central tropical Pacific Ocean. PICES 17th Annual Meeting. Dalian, China. 22 October to 4 November 2008.
[6] Song Liming, Zhu Guoping, Xu Liuxiong, Dai Xiaojie (2008) Annual Fisheries report of China in ICCAT Waters in 2007. SCRS. ICCAT 2008. Madrid, Spain. 29 September to 4 October 2008.
[7] Guoping Zhu, Liuxiong Xu, Yingqi Zhou and Xinjun Chen (2008) Growth and mortality rates of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares (Perciformes: Scombridae) in the central Atlantic Ocean. 2008 Forum on Fishery Science and Technology. Shanghai, China. September 26-28, 2008.
[8] Guoping ZHU, Liuxiong XU, Yingqi ZHOU, Liming SONG, Xiaojie DAI, and Xinjun CHEN (2008) Comparative study on size at sexual maturity of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus (Perciformes: Scombridae) in the tropical waters. 2008 Forum on Fishery Science and Technology. Shanghai, China. September 26-28, 2008.
[9] XU Liu-xiong, WANG Xue-fang, ZHU Guo-ping, YE Xu-chang, WANG Chun-lei. (2008). The biological characteristics of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) catches in the log school by purse seine from the Western and Central Pacific Ocean.Zhoushan, zhejiang, China. August 18-21, 2008.
[10] ZHU Guo-ping, XU Liu-xiong. (2008). Long-term changes in the mean trophic level of tuna fishery in the Atlantic Ocean. 8th Annual Young Meeting of Fisheries Association of China. Zhoushan, zhejiang, China. August 18-21, 2008.2007:
[11] Guo-ping ZHU, Liu-xiong XU, Xiao-jie Dai, Ying-qi ZHOU. Feeding habits of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the East-central Tropical Pacific Ocean. Conference of Fisheries Association of China in 2007. Guilin, Guangxi, China. November 20-23, 2007. [This paper received the Best Paper Award in the Conference of Fisheries Association of China in 2007]
[12] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, ZHOU Yingqi (2007). Reproductive biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the west and central Indian Ocean. Fisheries Forum 2007. Qingdao, Shandong, China. 20-25, October, 2007.
[13] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, ZHOU Yingqi and SONG Liming (2007). Reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the west-central Indian Ocean. Doctoral Forum of China in 2007. Qingdao, Shandong, China. August 6-8, 2007.
[14] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, ZHOU Yingqi (2007). Feeding Ecology of Thunnus obesus in the west-central Indian Ocean. Eco Summit 2007. Beijing, China. May 22-26, 2007.
[15] ZHU Guoping, ZHOU Yingqi, XU Liuxiong (2007). Long-term changes in the mean trophic level of tuna fishery in the Indian Ocean. Eco Summit 2007. Beijing, China. May 22-26, 2007.
[16] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, DAI Xiaojie, LIU Wei (2007). Observation on reproductive phenomenon of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, in the Eastern and Central Topical Pacific Ocean. The International Symposium on Tuna and Pelagic Fish Stock Assessment and Management. Shanghai, China. March 12-18, 2007.
[17] ZHU Guoping, DAI Xiaojie, XU Liuxiong, LIU Wei (2007). Reproductive biology of bigeye tuna Thunnus obesus in the Eastern andcentral Topical Pacific Ocean. The International Symposium on Tuna and Pelagic Fish Stock Assessment and Management. Shanghai, China. March 12-18, 2007. 2006:
[18] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong (2006). Estimations on growth and mortality coefficients of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean. Conference of Fisheries Association of China in 2006. Chengdu, Sichuang, China. August 23-27, 2006.
[19] XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping, SONG Liming (2006). Profile of Hook depth of Chinese Fresh tuna longline in the tropical Indian Ocean based on TDR data. IOTC-2006-WPTT-33. http://www.iotc.org/english/documents.
[20] XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping (2006). Distribution of hooks’ depth of Chinese longline fisheries in the high-sea waters of west-central Indian Ocean. Conference of Fisheries Association of China in 2006. Chengdu, Sichuang, China. August 23-27, 2006.
[21] XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping (2006). Preliminary analysis on biological characteristics of bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, based on observer’s data available from the 2004-2005 survey in the western central Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT/2005/19. www.iccat.es. 2005:
[22] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, CHEN Xinjun, YANG Song and WANG Jiaqiao (2005). Use of GIS technology and Clustering Analysis of spatial data on purse seine fishery in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Third International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Science. Shanghai, China. August 22-26, 2005.
[23] XU Liuxiong, ZHU Guoping (2005). Preliminary Analysis on Biological Features of Yellowfin Tuna, Thunnus albacares, Based on Observer’s data in the Indian Ocean. IOTC-2005-WPTT-19. http://www.iotc.org/english/documents.
[24] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong, ZHOU Yingqi, et al (2005). Comparison on feeding habits of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the west-central Indian and western Atlantic Ocean. 5th Annual Young Meeting of Fisheries Association of China. Zhanjiang, Guandong, China. December 20-24, 2005.
[25] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong (2005). Reproductive biology of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the west-central Indian Ocean. 5th Annual Young Meeting of Fisheries Association of China. Zhanjiang, Guandong, China. December 20-24, 2005.2004:
[26] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong (2004). Analysis of relationship between nominal hooking rates of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) longline and sea surface temperature in the East Pacific Ocean. International Symposium on Fisheries Sciences and Technology for the Academic Exchange between Shanghai Fisheries University and Pukyong National University. Shanghai, China. November 4-6, 2004.
[27] ZHU Guoping, XU Liuxiong (2004). The relationship between hooking rate of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in longline fisheries and sea surface temperature in Eastern Pacific Ocean. Shanghai, China. November 7-10, 20042002:
[28] ZHU Guo-ping, XU Liu-xiong (2002) Review on the exploitation status of main tuna stocks and the future development in the Atlantic Ocean. Haikou, Hainan, China. November 20-24, 2002.
Ⅲ 历年部分科研项目一览